A prospective law firm client will often decide whether to proceed with an initial consultation, much less hire that firm or that attorney to represent them in their case, based on how things go with the intake specialists who answer the first call.

As an intake specialist, do you feel stressed and anxious during client interactions?

This could show up in the form of yawning, difficulty concentrating, and monotone voice.

Are you exhibiting signs of disinterest, such as distraction, lack of enthusiasm, and constant time checking? He suggested the need for on-the-spot solutions to manage these issues and promised to discuss more in the next meeting.

Tune in now and get Chris Mullins’ thoughts on:

  • A detailed run-down of the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and disinterest, which your prospect will notice over the phone
  • On-the-spot solutions that are available to manage these issues
  • Simple, practical steps you can take right now to address the symptoms and improve your self-care as an intake specialist
  • Physical exercises you can do at your desk while working that increase your energy, release your stress, and refocus your mind
  • Creating a controlled workspace and a proactive approach that identifies potential issues before they become major problems
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Chris Mullins

Good cases and clients get LOST at “Hello”. Discover the truth you need to know about intake, see how The Intake Academy helps lawyers and law firms, and make the call to get started with Chris Mullins today:


Connect With Chris Mullins

About Our Guest

Chris Mullins

Lawyers often confuse their professional skills with the skills they need to connect with potential new prospects and clients, plus embrace the mindsets needed to succeed in this chaotic, crowded, ever-changing profession.

Chris Mullins, the preeminent sales and communications consultant in the legal industry, helps lawyers understand the difference.

For decades, Chris has been a “phone sales doctor” focusing on better communication skills, empathy, sales, intimacy, conversion, retention, and client control in the legal industry.

Through her work, Chris takes lawyers, intake, and the legal team on a deep dive into the mindset necessary to convert leads into clients.

Lawyers, law firms, and their intake staff say they get more from working with Chris than you would get from 5 or 6 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits about a different way to do a deposition, or new skills you can use in the courtroom, or different ways to approach an insurance company.

Now, as host of the acclaimed podcast Lawyers Tell All®, Chris takes you on a deep dive that shows you the reality of the profession, which is not what you see on TV.

Through powerful conversations with innovators in the trenches, she shows you how it looks through lawyer’s eyes.

See More Episodes of Lawyers Tell All®

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